Stanwell Corporation Limited (Stanwell) is a diversified energy business that owns and operates more than 3,300 megawatts of generation capacity throughout Queensland - enough to supply around a third of Queensland’s total electricity demand. 

We also have an electricity retail business, Stanwell Energy, which sells electricity exclusively to large industrial and commercial customers along the eastern seaboard of Australia.

While providing reliable and affordable energy for today, we are also exploring new generation and storage technologies that will help reduce emissions for tomorrow. This includes development of a bioenergy strategy that contributes to circular economies, investigating co-firing of biomass at our coal-fired power stations to reduce emissions intensity and exploring large-scale hydrogen production to support the development of new domestic and export opportunities.

We are owned by the people of Queensland. All our profits are returned to our shareholders and are used to fund a range of public programs and services.

Contact:, 1800 300 351
