Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits represented by IMCD Australia

IMCD Australia Ltd. represents Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits (LBDS), from the USA. 

Lallemand is a leading producer of yeasts and bacteria.  LBDS is proud to be a value-creating partner to the fuel and industrial alcohol producers through our agent IMCD in Australia and New Zealand.  Market-leading yeasts, yeast nutrients and antimicrobials are supported by an experienced technical sales and service team.  LBDS is at the forefront of innovation through its launch of its yield increasing (TransFerm line) and cellulosic (C5 FUEL, XyloFerm) biotech yeasts. LBDS through IMCD is dedicated to supporting the industry with high quality, cutting edge products and value-creating technical service and education.

Contact: Sue Mills -

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