Evo Energy

The name Evoenergy reflects the evolution of our business, to embrace new technologies that put you, our customers, at the centre of everything we do. We deliver safe and reliable energy to Canberra and the region. We own and operate 2,358 square kilometres of electricity network and over 4,563 kilometres of gas mains. We supply electricity to over 200,000 residential and business customers across the ACT and 146,000 gas customers in the ACT and NSW. Safety, reliability, dependability, trust and certainty are the qualities that matter most to us, along with a commitment to innovation and keeping ahead of the rapidly changing energy landscape. We want to give our customers the energy solutions they want by being agile and driving innovation and technology to meet their changing needs.

Contact Bruce Hansen - Bruce.Hansen@evoenergy.com.au 

For more information: https://www.evoenergy.com.au/