Jemena deepens push into renewable gas

Jemena has extended its push into the burgeoning renewable gas market, partnering with Optimal Renewable Gas to identify three sites in regional NSW that have agricultural and other waste sources for the creation of biomethane that can be injected into the state’s gas pipelines.

Macquarie pumps $290m into green aviation fuel

Macquarie has made its first foray into the green aviation fuel sector, tipping up to €175 million ($290 million) into Netherlands-based SkyNRG to help it build production facilities in Europe and the US.

ARENA open for business on industrial decarbonisation

On behalf of the Australian Government, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has today launched the first funding round of the $400 million Industrial Transformation Stream (ITS) to support emissions reduction at existing industrial facilities in regional Australia.

From a slow start, Australians now ‘get’ the green narrative

Heidi Hauf used to be a soldier. The Duntroon graduate served as an officer in the Intelligence Corps from 2001 to 2005. And it was in the Asia-Pacific that she became aware of “unsustainable development” – anything from poor governance and the bad use of resources to the impacts of a changing climate as a result of human activity.