Western Australia Low Carbon Fuels Summit
Fri 11 Oct 2024 08:30 — 17:00
Event information
The Western Australia Low Carbon Fuels Summit will spotlight the state's potential as a low carbon liquid fuels powerhouse with immense opportunities in the sector.
We will showcase the region's cutting-edge developments in low carbon liquid fuels including Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Renewable Diesel, Biodiesel and Ethanol, and how these will be essential energy options in supporting decarbonisation of hard to abate sectors crucial to Western Australia and the wider Australian economy including Aviation, Marine, Rail, Heavy Transport, Mining, Construction, Agriculture and Manufacturing.
Hear from leading developers, representatives from industry and government agencies, and explore collaborative opportunities in the low carbon liquid fuels space, while gaining insights into the current regulatory and policy landscape affecting the supply and consumption of renewable fuels in Australia.
Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of low carbon fuels advancements and contribute to shaping the future of the sector in Western Australia.
Preliminary Program
Conference welcome
Honourable Jackie Jarvis MLC, Western Australia Minister for Agriculture and Food, Forestry and Small Business
Flyn van Ewijk, Sustainable Aviation Fuels Alliance of Australia and New Zealand
Keynote address
Brad Jones, Former Australian Cropping Farmer of the Year, Bungulla Farming
The role of a low carbon liquid fuel industry in decarbonisation and economic development
Sponsored by the Western Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Honourable Reece Whitby MLA, Western Australian Minister for Energy, Environment, Climate Action
Brendon Buckley, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Net zero and the role of low carbon fuels
Dr Cathryn O'Sullivan, CSIRO, The feedstock opportunity for a low carbon fuel industry
James Boyle, Deloitte, The co-benefits: Economic upside for jobs and regional development
Global drivers for Sustainable Aviation Fuel acceleration and the drivers for developing a domestic industry
Sponsored by U.S. Grains Council
Alastair Blanshard, ICF, SAF – the route to net zero for aviation
Emma Wilson, A4ANZ, Airlines targeting net zero in the air
Graeme Potger, Qantas, Responding to the global push for SAF acceleration
Daniel Dott, Virgin Australia, Bridging the gap to deliver Sustainable Aviation Fuel
James Williamson, Neste, The current and future role of fats and oils (HEFA)
Flyn van Ewijk, LanzaJet, Alcohol to Jet projects leading the way
Drivers for developing a domestic low carbon liquid fuels industry
Sponsored by GrainCorp
Mark Hammond, Truck Industry Council, Making renewable diesel a reality in trucking,
Angela Gillham, Maritime Industry Australia Limited, The potential for net zero at sea
Pauline Kennedy, bp, Policy options to drive transport decarbonisation
Leigh Penney and Emma Kindness, Laing O'Rourke, Renewable diesel in construction and infrastructure
Rio Tinto, Strategy for renewable fuels in mining
Unlocking the renewable liquid fuels sector for Western Australia
Sponsored by Chevron
Deloitte facilitated workshop
More speakers to be announced soon!
Thank you to our sponsors: